1. It is the policy of the Board of Directors of Gregory Demolition Limited that operations within the Company shall be carried out to meet the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and that our operations should be carried out not only under the legal requirements of the Act but also within its spirit.
2. To ensure that this policy is effectively enforced Gregory Demolition Limited is responsible for the formulation and implementation of comprehensive policies in respect of safety at work, appropriate to its own activities, and for detailing individual and collective responsibilities throughout the management structure.
The Managing Director is responsible to the Board for the overall Health and Safety Policy of the Company and the Chief Safety Adviser is responsible to him for overseeing the implementation of policies in each of the Operating Companies.
3. The responsibility for implementing Operating Company policies rests with the Managing Director who is accountable to the Board of Directors of Gregory Demolition Limited. The effective implementation and operation of these policies will be kept under continual review by the Board, who will receive information from the Operating Companies concerning serious accidents, dangerous occurrences and overall safety performances.
4. Within the framework provided by these policies, all employees have a part to play in maintaining the highest standards of safety and in achieving full compliance with legal requirements. The basic need is for every employee to take care of him or herself, colleagues and the general public.
5. There will be joint consultation on Health and Safety matters with the employee representatives through safety committees at all factory, depot, office and site locations.
6. Each Operating Company is responsible for ensuring that all of its employees receive the necessary training to carry out their duties in a safe manner and that staff charged with particular responsibilities for safety are able to fulfil those duties and obligations.
7. This policy forms the basis for a reduction in hazards and an improvement in safety at works. Its effectiveness will come from the individual and combined efforts of us all to make it successful.
Mr D Gregory
Managing Director March 2012