Gregory Demolition Limited is a demolition company operating nationally. We recognise that our activities have an impact on the environment and are committed to minimise that impact through continually seeking to improve our environmental performance.
The company will put its Environmental Policy into practice by pursuing the following:
E.C. Commitment No. 1
We will endeavour to meet all the necessary legal and regulatory requirements, in so far as they relate to our business.
I.e. we will work within the law.
E.C. Commitment No. 2
We will ensure that all our staff and sub-contractors develop a good understanding of the environmental impacts of our business and what is expected of them, and that we take into account the impact of goods and services we buy.
We will continue to keep you informed by way of the Site Inductions, ?Toolbox Talks' and specific training as required.
By your improvement, we aim to continually improve our own performance.
E.C. Commitment No. 3
We will prevent environmental pollution by effective planning and on-site procedures.
This Commitment focuses our efforts on making every effort to minimise the pollution, which we inevitably cause in the course of our work - be it dust, spillage of any kind, smoke or noise.
Ensure that plant and vehicles are regularly checked, maintained and serviced in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines to minimise exhaust emissions.
Keep noise levels to a minimum - Remember we have neighbours!
E.C. Commitment No. 4
We will make efficient use of resources by controlling waste, conserving energy and seeking to re-cycle materials wherever possible.
The company is committed to continual improvement in its operational performance, and every reasonable effort is made to make the most efficient use of natural resources in order to obtain the most benefit to the Company, with the least pollution and adverse effect on the environment i.e. we will re-use materials wherever possible.
All waste materials should be disposed of safely in compliance with current legislation, particularly the Waste Management Licensing Regulations, the ?Duty of Care Code of Practice' and our own procedures.
In order to minimise waste -
· Do not over-order materials.
· Use correct handling methods and proper storage to avoid damage.
· Ensure the most efficient use of petrol, diesel and gas oil by following the procedures laid down in our manuals.
E.C. Commitment No. 5:
We will manage sites and land within our control to mitigate environmental impacts as far as is practicable.
The company recognises the potential and actual effects of its works on the landscape and ecological environment, and there are therefore a number of considerations related to this commitment.
· Ensure that minimum disruption and risk is caused to local residents.
· Reduce as much as possible the volume of traffic using public highways.
· Wherever practicable take measures to lessen the noise and visual impact of all land we use.
· Always undertake work in such a way as to preserve and protect the indigenous ecology and habitat insofar as it is practicable, and cause least damage to the environment as a whole.
E.C. Commitment No. 6:
Manage any risk to the environment resulting from our activities, by anticipating such possibilities, being aware of our responsibilities and by taking a proactive approach to dealing with potential accidents.
We already have, through our Health and Safety Policy, well established procedures covering risk assessments, methods statement and our legislative obligations, and we will continue to monitor these procedures.
This is potentially one of our biggest threats to the environment -
· Ensure compliance with the E.A.'s requirements, by preventative maintenance of storage tanks and bowsers, and the use of adequate temporary ditches and ponds for the control of site run-off water.
· Each site should have a site specific Emergency Plan. Make sure you are aware of it.
· Spill kits' will be available on all sites. They should be in all fitting shops, near storage tanks and on each fuel bowser. Make sure you know where they are and how to use them.
· Take not of all hazard and warning notices.
Dean Gregory
Managing Director
Gregory Demolition Ltd March 2012